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We like to describe ourselves as change-makers in the world’s energy cycle. The ones closing the loop. In this work, addressing security issues is a great part. 

Security 1


Over the years – in partnership with both our owners and suppliers – we have developed a solid process for both securing the quality and the traceability of the biofuels we take care of, as well as making the everyday operations safe for anyone involved. 


One example of this is the Responsible Shipping Initiative, (RSI), which we co-founded in 2019. In this joint venture with some of Sweden’s major importing and exporting companies, we closely monitor, report, and share information amongst us, helping raise the standards on the many shipping companies that enter the Baltic Sea every day. 


All of this, combined with maintaining a high standard of integrity in every part of the business, reflects the business that we do at EFO.

Security at EFO

A secure existence for us at EFO, is foremost divided into five main concerns:

1. Traceability

Full transparency – all the way back to the source of the waste type is non-negotiable if we are to take on any type of fuel and to achieve this, we prefer to come in as early as possible in the process.

2. Evolution

The fuel team at EFO consists of an experienced group of people that spend most of their time evaluating possible fuels to source. The strategy is both fairly simple and at the same time quite complex. Simple in the sense that our goal is to secure the right amount of good quality fuel and complex in the sense that a possible fuel must have a green light in a lot of different meanings to fit our standards.


Only suppliers that fits all our requirements is accepted – read more about the evaluation process here

3. Quality control

The quality control process is key in our business model, and we monitor both the quality and content of every waste type as well as the logistics on a daily basis.


We measure not only the waste itself, but also the quality of the bales. We carefully take samples, which we analyze to have full control of their consistency. To maintain a high standard – and transparency – throughout the whole chain, the bale itself, in which the waste is being delivered has to be of good quality, haven’t been stored too long and has to endure both shipping and storage.

4. Integrity

As waste management in many countries is big business for organized crime, we spend a lot of effort in educating our own staff as well as our partners and supplier’s staff. We have a close cooperation with The Swedish Anti-Corruption Institute and all our staff has signed EFO’s code of conduct, and we spend a lot of time performing the integrity due diligence where both partners and owners are being reviewed. This work is being carried out in cooperation with us at EFO and local law firms, which possess full local knowledge.

5. Sustainability

EFO is one of three initiators to The Responsible Shipping Initiative (RSI). RSI aims to promote responsible shipping, with regards to working conditions, health and safety, and the environment. Conditions for vessels operating in the Baltic and North Sea need to be continually evaluated. In order to do so, RSI performs inspections of vessels chartered by its members. RSI and its members understand that to achieve effective and sustainable impact, a collective effort is the most efficient approach.


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Kungsgatan 50
SE-111 35 Stockholm
+46 (8) 24 90 50

Our team

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Facilities & capacity

Click here to find out which types of fuels we use, what effect we deliver, and how much waste we take care of every year.

© 2024 EFO AB

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